Osteosynthesis Sets

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Sets for the osteosynthesis

  • Set mini fragments 1,5 mm, 2,0 mm and 2,4 mm
  • Set small and large fragments 2,7 mm, 3,5 mm and 3,5 mm wide
  • Set pins and cerclage

The sets correspond to the clinical needs and include all relevant instruments and implants for fracture treatment of dogs, cats and small animals.

  • DC-plates
  • Screws
  • Reposition forceps
  • Drill Guide handle
  • Neutral drill guide
  • Compression drill guide
  • Neutral drill guide
  • Compression drill guide
  • Drill sleeves
  • Bending irons
  • Drill AO Shafts
  • Tap dental shafts
  • Tap AO shaft
  • T-handle AO-shaft
  • Handle dental shaft
  • Depth gauge
  • Screw driver
  • Screw holding sheath
  • Racks
  • Screw rack
  • Container
  • Tray
  • Mini tray
  • Steril filter
  • Lid for tray

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Description Document Link
Veterinary Osteosynthesis Veterinary Orthopaedics