Askina® SilNet

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Soft silicone wound contact layer

Askina® SilNet is made of a conformable non-woven material, coated on both sides with soft silicone.
It is used as a wound contact layer, it conforms to the wound surface and adheres safely to the surrounding skin.
The wound site is protected from mechanical disruption during dressing changes. The use of Askina® SilNet thus minimizes the trauma associated with dressing change.


  • Non-adherent: protects fragile granulation tissue
  • Atraumatic dressing change (1)
  • Soft and conformable
  • Allows passage of exudate through the dressing
  • Either side can face the wound

(1) Thomas S Atraumatic dressings. WorldWide Wounds, 2003


  • Skin tears
  • Fixation of skin grafts
  • Donor sites
  • Lacerations
  • 2nd degree burns

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