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Safe handling of needles and sutures in veterinary medicine
Ligatures, operating with a 3D camera, wound closure with tissue glue: there have been great advances in surgery. Yet there is no way around the basic techniques. These include the safer handling of needles and thread as well as correct wound closure. Especially in the beginning, this is quite a challenge!
B. Braun knows this from its close cooperation with surgeons – right from the start. More than 100 years ago, Carl Braun developed the first industrially manufactured sterile suture material together with the surgeon Dr. Franz Kuhn.
Since then, safer handling of needles and sutures in the operating theatre has been of central importance for veterinary students and young veterinarians as well as for experienced colleagues. Which suture material is suitable for which indication? How do I tie the correct surgical knot? How do I handle the needle correctly? These are questions for which we are happy to support you in your everyday work.
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Join us on the journey to find the right suture for you
During this journey we will present a new indication with examples from the daily routine in the practice, and illustrate the common use of different suture materials.